If you operate a nursing home or daycare facility, you have a lot on your plate. One of those tasks is making sure you have clean and sanitary linens, towels, and staff uniforms.
The amount of dirty laundry produced by nursing homes and daycare facilities is significant. It’s important to have a dependable company that can handle the volume and provide a quick turnaround. Trio Sales & Leasing can do that for your facility.
Get Fresh, Sanitized Laundry
A sterile and sanitary environment is critical to some establishments. Daycares and nursing homes have plenty of germs always floating around. Keeping them at bay is a 24/7 job.
Let Trio help rid your laundry of bacteria and dirt to reduce illness and disease from spreading. We use special industrial-grade detergents and sanitizers that are guaranteed to produce clean and hygienic linens and clothes.
We also understand that many babies, children, and the elderly have sensitivities with some cleaning ingredients. The products we use are allergen-free and leave no residue on the laundry that would cause allergic reactions. All you’ll get is fresh, crisp bedding, towels, and scrubs.
Personal Service and Customized Plans
Trio will pick up the laundry from your site on a regular basis on a schedule to meet your needs. In most instances, we will have your clean, sanitized, and folded laundry returned to you by the next working day.
We also offer our services outside of normal working hours. Nursing homes and some daycares operate 24/7, so they can’t wait for a weekday to get their clean laundry returned. We even provide rush orders and same-day service, if needed.
Choose the Local Laundry Service
Trust Trio Sales & Leasing to get the best commercial laundry services at a fair price. Unlike some of the larger firms, we offer personalized plans and services just for you. We maintain a flexible approach to customer requirements and are happy to discuss your specific laundry service needs.
Give us a call today to discuss your commercial laundry needs.